Tuesday, August 20, 2019

JFK assassination Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"In a few days people will forget and there will be a new President.† Lee Harvey Oswald It was a hot day in Dallas, Texas. President Kennedy sat in the rear seat on the right side of the car. His wife, Jacqueline, sat on his left. Texas Governor John B. Connally sat in a "jump" seat in front of the president, and Mrs. Connally sat to her husband's left. They were in a motorcade when an unimaginable sound was heard. It was 12:30 p.m., the cars approached an expressway for the last leg of the trip. Suddenly, three shots rang out and the president slumped down, hit in the neck and head. Connally received a bullet in the back. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot. Mrs. Kennedy didn’t know what to do, â€Å"I was looking to the left and I heard these terrible noises†¦and my husband never made a sound†¦I could see a piece of his skull†¦and then I remember falling on him saying, ‘Oh, no, no, no,’†¦it just seemed an eternity.† The limousine raced to nearby Parkland Hospital. Doctors worked desperately to save the preside nt, but he died at 1:00 p.m. without regaining consciousness. Doctors said that Kennedy had no chance to survive when brought into the hospital. Governor Connally, although seriously wounded, later recovered. President Kennedy, A.K.A. JFK, was in Texas to gain support for his re-election. Kennedy came to Texas accompanied by his wife and Vice President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson. The purpose of his trip was to heal a split in the Texas Democratic Party before the 1964 presidential campaign in which Kennedy planned to run for a second term. Dallas had a reputation as a center for people who strongly opposed Kennedy. The assumed assassin was a 24-year-old ex-U.S.Marine, who from the beginning had emotional problems and difficulties. His father died had before he was born and his mother was not much support. He was discharged from the Marines in September 1959 and went to the Soviet Union a month later. He tried to become a Soviet citizen but was turned down. He also had been active in the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, a group that supported Cuba's Communist dictator Fidel Castro. He returned to the U.S. with his wife Marina, and baby daughter. No one saw Oswald shoot the President. The high-powered Italian rifle said to have killed the President was traced to Osw... ...nedy for not throwing the full weight of his air force behind the Bay of Pigs affair and he came to an agreement with the Soviets over Cuba. The Dallas police were also widely investigated. Concluding they were at fault for Oswald’s death. In 1982, the National Research Council, a scientific research organization, disagreed with the House committee's finding. There was also a â€Å"single bullet theory† in which only one shot was fired killing Kennedy, leaving his neck and entering Governor Connelly’s back. Though Connelly disagrees saying, â€Å"the bullet that entered Kennedy wasn’t the same as the one for my wounds.† Others say there were four or five bullets. No one knows for sure how many bullets there were or how many actual people were involved with the killing of President John Kennedy. â€Å"Clearly there was an attempt by Federal and local authorities to conceal the facts as contained in the evidence. The cover up is all to obvious.† The world is still in mourning because of the loss of a beloved President. Those who witnessed the killing of Oswald were forever changed as well. Seeing two deaths in two days was shocking. But who really knows who really killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

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