Monday, May 4, 2020

Developing a Professional Resource Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Developing a Professional Resource. Answer: Introduction to the resource: Digital culture is becoming dominant on different factors of life. These factors includes health, education, tourism etc. in this research we will discuss digital culture in education sector. Many industries in all over the world are actively adopting digital culture in their organization. This culture helps in identifying the transparency of work that is being done. Digital culture in education has provided ease to the work. The work that has been submitted through digital culture usually has fewer issues. Digital culture in this era is nonetheless than a blanket concept where the combination of technology and internet has influenced the lives of people. All are dependent on the digital culture for effective and efficient performance. Candea(2010) highlighted the significance of digital culture in ones life since years, and the increasing trend in various industries. So, the industries are continuously adopting and accepting the influence of digital arena(Savege, Ruppert, Law, 2010). The work of Freudenberg, Cameron, Brimble(2011) supported that this era has urged the students to adopt digital culture as means of their education to facilitate them with unlimited information within a click and maintain the quality too with effective time usage. Students acquiring professional knowledge have dire need to acquire authentic information free from th e plagiarism. Though literacy can be defined as the ability to write and learn but on broader terms it is the societal and communiqu practice pooled among groups of individuals.(Elmborg,2012). The term copyright literacy emerged with the increasing usage of technology to gain information, conduct and abilities and eliminate propagation of content in the digital era. Leaffer(2010) highlighted that Copyright laws have attempted to match the fast pace of technological advancement to reduce the breach of content. Digital culture has invaded the lives of learners through many gateways like various learning management systems, copyright literacy, mobiles usage, social media applications like Facebook, watssapp, twitter and Google reader. Gravelence(2010) attempted to discourse its impact on education. Digital culture has extremely affected the lives of the students who are not efficient and productive enough without the usage of this prevailing culture in the society. It is the demand of society that the students should be vigilant enough to adopt the changing patterns of education in this era(Purcell, Buchanan, Friedrich,2013). It made the learners realize that Collon (2013) points out the changing forces as worldwide economy, rational science coming, study of the scientific exploration, and new education trends such as implementation of technology and common impact on others. Need for trial resource: Learners with proper understanding and crystal clear ideas with deep and profound knowledge of the subjects provide quality work that is free from plagiarism. The students do not need to copy the contents of the original books or works of the writers. Their detailed study assist them to present a writeup free from any material linking to someone else. Their research works are complete package of current research on the given topic with the help of previous related materials and the loop ends find while the course of study for research works. Their findings must be originals and not copied stuff of previous researchers. The research work free from plagiarism embarks its originality and also reminds one of the researchers ethics to abide by rules and regulations observed legally while the research work conducted. It is obvious that the copyrights reserves the rights of writers and originals and refrains the researchers to copy the protected material from the relevant research articles, journals or books. Jacob (2016) identified that the lack of knowledge is a big issue and can lead to infringement, further, it creates ambigious ideas in the researchers minds that the copyright materials will provide them with the copied materials. Thus, inculcating fear of breach in them and preventing them to underutilize the easily available materials. Therefore the parents and teachers need to devise strategies to enforce proper usage of the faculty of digital culture to promote adequate acquiring of knowledge and usage of available material within the prescribed limits. Resource Trial: Research Design conducted by researchers globally is bifurcated into two types; quantitative research design and qualitative design research. While, few of the researchers use both quantitative and qualitative research design. Qualitative research design uses qualitative input that is collected through the secondary source that is the past literature, interviews and observations. Primary research and exploratory research implies qualitative research, it further aids in the clear understanding of the scenario with realistic reasons and explanations. While the quantitate research focuses on the numeric data collected through the questionnaires, providing statistical output with the hypothesis tests quantitative research design (Marczyk, DeMatteo and Festinger, 2005). The following research is based on the quantitative research design conducted to collect the basic input from the respondents and it will be statistically analyzed. The researcher was assisted in the quantitative research to test the hypothesis with the collection of statistical input through questionnaires.. This research is conducted through the collection of primary data which will further generate the essentials required to conduct new research. The primary data is collected when the respondents customers of Kuala Lumpur were targeted to answer the questionnaire provided. The questionnaires were paper pencil questionnaires where random selection of the people on was preferred while few were questionnaires were web based and filled on internet. The data collected is used to trace back to the whole lot of consumers who are using the digital technology with and without copyright laws.10 respondents from educational institute were selected as samples to gather data and conduct further research. The respondents were various individuals of different age groups , targeted on gate and in school premises. The resource of digital technology was implemented in the educational institutions with the prototype to target group of bigger audience. The resource was welcomed by many individuals but was shown reluctance when copyright laws were implemented on it. Researched was targeted on 10 individuals who were working in various capacities in educational institute The non-random sampling technique provided the researcher to achieve the fair and just and exact answers of the respondents in the allotted time period. So it was adapted and 10 random individuals were targeted to give valuable feedbacks after using the digital culture with and without copyright policies. The resource: A researcher is able to specify the criteria of data collection through a proper sample size by appropriate utilization of the resources (Kumar and Phrommathed, 2005). Following research is conducted by targeting 10 customers to highlight the importance of copy right laws and insure proper implementation in the offices and institutes. The sample size assisted considerably the researcher to conduct the research in limited time and with by targeting the random respondents comprising of gender, males and females customers. The data for this research is collected with the help of well-structured research instrument called questionnaire. The items (questions) in the questionnaires are composed with the help of secondary data presented in the literature reviews which helped to create a question to collect the response. The researcher used same questionnaires for the individuals who are using the digital culture with and without copyright laws. Ethical considerations are the main component of a fair and just survey conducted for collection of data while designing and conducting trial. Ethical issues being the major component of acceptable trial are worthy enough to be considered by the researchers to target the right correspondents who will assist in the findings of result. The research did not exert illegal pressure on the correspondents to derive results favoring the researchers research findings. They neither did not compel the individuals to fill the questionnaire to derive favorable results nor misguided them to fill favorable responses. In fact the customers at gate or inside school based had free consent to fill the questionnaire according to their will and wishes. While researchers have adapted defined ethical boundaries for research to provide data and results free from manipulation so researchers have derived fair results free from contamination to blur the true findings. Moreover, great emphasis was laid on the s ecurity, determinants of confidentiality, autonomy, anonymity of the respondents and confidential matters of customers so for this, their private information is not displayed or mentioned in the reports. Feedback from the parents, teachers and students who were fellow beings was source of improvement. It was listened as the providers were wrong and implanted as they were right. This made them realize the efforts put in for copyright implementation. The principals are provided an easy way to access their sub ordinate teachers monitoring and devise their strategies accordingly well before time to reduce chances of future losses , disloyalties and preachments. Technology in this era has enabled the principals to have a check and balance of their teachers efforts that whether they are performing up to mark our not. Their coming and leaving time can also be checked these days with various machines installed at institutes. Digital culture has effortlessly entered the premises of institutions and made them its dependents. Institutions need digital culture also for its written works to be written and prepared solely be the teachers and parents along with students instead of copied from copy right materials. Monitoring: The survey shows Park(2009) that this era has urged the students to adopt digital culture as means of their education to facilitate them with unlimited material within a click and maintain the quality too with effective time usage. Students acquiring professional knowledge have dire need to acquire authentic information free from the plagiarism. They need to have access to the right knowledge of the desired fields(Lai,2011). Their works should be model of originality and excellence of the water in providing research free from plagiarism. Though the click has made the researchers life easy that browsing the write articles may provide them with quality material but they will face many cons of the digital culture too. With the advancement of technology and innovations, many problems may arise too. Worldwide learners are enforced to adopt the technology for the time saving and quality work purpose but it has also provided an opportunity for those learners who find it hard to research, bo ost up their skills and then work to produce original work(Miller,2011). Instead, they find it much easier just to open some research papers, copy from them and paste. This technique limits their abilities and make them under confidence as they are reluctant to utilize their capabilities fully effectively and efficiently. They do not rely on their knowledge instead find easier to rely on others. This gives birth too many dependent citizens of the society instead of independent citizens who can be more productive and fruitful for themselves and society as a whole. Same point is discussed in the work of Pireddu (2011), who presented the idea that the generation X or futuristic generation is more inclined to shortcuts in their lives, and few among them are ready to invest their time or work on individual basis. The demand of needs to be catered ignited the innovation and modes of technology such as mobiles, internets, laptops, tablets and computers. The young generation need to realize that they need to use the technology for their betterment with the limitation of privacy of content, so their research work may be valid and up to the mark. It should meet the standards of plagiarism check so that it cannot be rejected which will be complete wastage of time and money. Though, Charania and Davis (2016) described the young generation as work oriented and eager to learn new ways of acquiring quality education. Developing an ethical value towards a copyright literacy hence makes the upcoming generation the major players of thinking and influencers even to other perspectives of digital philosophy that have a direct or indirect impact on education. Education sector needs to intervene and devise such policies that students must adopt ethically while doing the research work and to abstain from negative works. The players of education sector are entitled to gain skills that will be preserved in their minds for their lifetime, not matter of few research works and majors of t heir study. Their skills should be attained with the motive to enhance their capabilities in all the aspects of life. It should not be confined to limited subjects. During the course of study learners are engage in continuous process of learning through presentations and research works. Once, abide by copyright laws , it will be beneficial for the students primarily as they will work independently with quality work taking help from the provided materials , not completely relying on them. Education sector should make sure that students are made very well aware of the importance of copyright policies on education system. Spector (2016) suggested that the technology and the digital culture have remained very practical as endowing education convalescence characteristics that need a thorough consideration and assessment by the worldwide education savers and policy makers. SoIt is for these causes, it is essential that the attention of learners to be monitored on collective methods and activities involved in the media mingled with technology. In other sense, right to use and usage of issued information by other creators and writers through the technological products should be assumed serious offence by the educators in the process of learning and using the material as described by the right rules and regulation of copyright works as described by Jacobs(2016).Parents supported the copyrights under the above and below mentioned reasonings. The adoption of technology should only be done on primary motive of blending old education system with the colors of technology to reap maximum benefits from educational works. The technology should be used rightly as described by law of copyrights. It should not be to violate the rights of owners or writers. Instead due help should be taken from their works, with the real respect they deserve for their efforts. The survey of copyright was done for educational purpose but it has broader prospective and cater a larger group of individuals to provide with better findings. Moreover, the age group targeted was also limited and needed to focus bigger age group. Summary: To conclude, it is mandatory for the educators to blend the system of education with the right colors of technology to create learners not copiers. As suggested by Xiao-Liang Shen,Christy M. K. Cheung,Matthew K. O. Lee(2013) the system should evolve in them the instincts of research from the complete package of information . wiki not just copying from the source to complete their work on time, compromising the quality and achieving a big failure in terms of rejection of research work. They should know to obey the policies of copyright laws of Wiki and abide by them realizing its importance. Nonetheless, obviously respecting the creator or writer too for its useful work. It is very essential for the educators to adopt various patterns in the course of learning but it should be for the purpose of facilitating their research. They should know to maintain the originality of the articles from the wiki intact. Their works should be based on merely their efforts . the professional studies c annot be completed without the researches but they should abide by the copyright laws as argued by Shavell(2010). Though the enforcement of these laws, would look difficult for the learners as it will kill their time by writing new with changing fonts but in the long run as anticipated by teachers and parents, it will be beneficial for their own cause, as they will acquire lifetime skills of various fields . knowledge acquire through copying will be of no great help for the educators because it will be temporary. The educators should realize the importance of wiki as source of information only and so they should invest time and efforts accordingly to reap the desired results as per the standards of their profession. They should not waste their time in short cuts and for the time being it will really save their time, but in the long run they will realize that their efforts are wasted and time too. They should use the wiki as an encyclopedia of great knowledge to help in research but its usage should be confined to its rights. References: Buckingham, D. (2013). Beyond technology: Children's learning in the age of digital culture. John Wiley Sons. Candea, M. (ed.) (2010) The Social after Gabriel Tarde: Debates and Assessments, London. Carty, V. (2010). New information communication technologies and grassroots mobilization. Information, Communication Society, 13(2), 155-173. Charania, A. a., Davis, N. n. (2016). A Smart Partnership: Integrating Educational Technology for Underserved Children in India.Journal Of Educational Technology Society,19(3), 99-109. Charbonneau, D.H (2014). A short History of Copyright; The genie of information. 34 (1), 1-38. Collon, M. 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