Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Rise Of Video Games Essay - 2245 Words

The Rise of Video Games Information technology develops with rapid speed every year. This leads to the innovation in video games technology in many aspects such as: graphic, gameplay, sound, the story of the game, etc. Therefore, video games become a very popular way to entertain for many people, from children to adults, especially well-developed games with stunning graphics and vivid sound. We are living in a society where even a baby can play games on an iPad. Furthermore, video game influences on human behavior is a very controversial topic which has been abundantly studied and researched. Every student of University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL) may have played video games one time in their life. Some students played video games on computers, other students play them on smartphones or tablets, and the others played on consoles. However, some UHCL students gave up on playing video games because they think video games have no benefit and are waste of time. Moreover, some of them also think that playing vid eo games might have negative influences on their behaviors. This might be because of many blockbuster video games in recent years, for example, Grand Theft Auto V, Fallout 4, or The Witcher 3 contain a lot of violent materials. Contrary to common thinking, video games actually have many benefits instead of being harmful to players. With the booming of the video game industries and video games become more popular in our society, understanding the advantages of video gamesShow MoreRelatedReaching the Next Level: The Rise of Video Game Popularity688 Words   |  3 Pages The video game industry has grown into a colossus of today’s business world over the past forty-three years. Constantly adapting to the changing market, in order to make a profit off of a popular form of entertainment, the video game industry is continually expanding. 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